How to Talk to Your Teen About an Eating Disorder

For more information about how to cope and overcome an eating disorder, Food Is Not [...]

Eight Keys to End Emotional Eating

Books and Book Reviews: Eight Keys to End Emotional Eating By Howard S. Farkas, Ph.D. Clinicians [...]

Lifetime Weight Characteristics of Adult

Lifetime Weight Characteristics of Adult Inpatients With Severe Anorexia Nervosa: Maximal Lifetime BMI Predicts Treatment [...]

Short-Term Outcome of Inpatient Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa

Short-Term Outcome of Inpatient Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa Using DSM-5 Remission Criteria.  This [...]

Structural and functional brain alterations in anorexia nervosa

A multimodal meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.  Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex psychiatric disorder with [...]

Examining the significance of age of onset in persons with lifetime anorexia nervosa

Examining the significance of age of onset in persons with lifetime anorexia nervosa: Comparing child, [...]

Insufficient assessment and treatment of vitamin D in the medical management of adolescents with anorexia nervosa

Insufficient assessment and treatment of vitamin D in the medical management of adolescents with anorexia [...]

Gender-based clinical differences in evidence-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa

Gender-based clinical differences in evidence-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa: analysis of aggregated randomized controlled [...]

Eating Disorders Counseling Center

Eating Disorders Counseling Center Did you know that more women than men have eating disorders? [...]

Food Is Not the Enemy is Partnering with Hello Life Eating Disorder Recovery Services

Hello Life Eating Disorder Recovery Services received a $10,000 grant from the Health Care Foundation [...]

The #1 Myth About Eating Disorders

Correlating eating disorders with body size/weight decreases diagnosis and treatment There are so many myths [...]

Indoor Activities to Entertain Your Kids During Bad Weather

Indoor Activities to Entertain Your Kids During Bad Weather This article is one of the [...]

Giving Up Dieting is Not Giving Up

Giving Up Dieting is Not Giving Up Being on the diet roller coaster is not [...]

Types of Eating Disorder Specialists

Types of Eating Disorder Specialists Professionals who specialize in the treatment of Eating Disorders include [...]

What To Look For in an Eating Disorder Specialist

Seeking a specialist who understands, has training in, and may even have personal experience with [...]

What to Do When an Eating Disorder is Linked to Trauma

Eating disorders develop for a variety of reasons. One is trauma. Though society’s unrealistic expectations [...]

Food Is Not The Enemy Gallery

Food Is Not The Enemy, by fuseology   [gmbv_business_map]

Cocaine Addiction And Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can have catastrophic consequences on health. Abusing cocaine, in conjunction with an eating [...]

Food for Thought – Too Sexy for Yourself

Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it! Therefore, if you give your body [...]

Food for Thought – Clothes can make or break you

It is so important to wear clothes that you love and that fit! First, shame [...]

Food for Thought – Let’s ban the words “good” and “bad”

Perhaps the lamest words in the English language are “good” and “bad.” What does it [...]


3 Things You Can Do to Help Yourself Feel Better at Every Size

Regardless of the size of your jeans, you deserve to feel good about yourself. With [...]


How to Use Your Journey to Help Others on the Way

Overcoming food addiction and keeping emotional eating in check can be a lifelong struggle, one [...]


Battling an Eating Disorder: When Bulimia Becomes a True American Idol Sized Problem

Battling an Eating Disorder: When Bulimia Becomes a True American Idol Sized Problem In a People Magazine [...]

Families Face Challenges Of Eating Disorders

Families Face Challenges Of Eating Disorders As many as 11 million people in the U.S. have an eating disorder [...]

Eating Disorders and the Narcissist

Eating Disorders and the Narcissist Patients suffering from eating disorders binge on food and sometimes are both anorectic [...]

Information on Eating Disorders

Do you struggle with your weight? A large percent of modern America suffer from issues [...]

Food for Thought – It’s all about protection

What does disordered eating and body image protect you from? Do the constant thoughts distract [...]

Food for Thought – You are not bad for wanting a cupcake!

You are not “bad” for wanting a cupcake! The problem with labeling food as “good” [...]

Food for Thought – A Case for Emotions

I’m often asked, “Why do I need to feel my feelings… what good will it [...]

Food for Thought – Dieting = Another Word for Distrust

“Feeling your feelings makes you feel alive” – Food is not the enemy client Emotions [...]

Food for Thought – Contemplate This

If you could stop your negative self-talk right now and rarely ever do it (never [...]

The Hunger Scale

Another tool to help you end binge eating! This video will describe the hunger scale. [...]

Stop binge eating with this one powerful step

You find yourself in front of the refrigerator. Again. “Why am I here?” you wonder. [...]


Stop binge eating with this one powerful step

You find yourself in front of the refrigerator. Again. “Why am I here?” you wonder. [...]

Food for Thought – An Eating Disorder Has Benefits?

The benefit of having an eating disorder is that you can learn to listen to [...]

Food for Thought – Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

I often hear people tell me they wish they had a drug or alcohol addiction [...]

Get rid of your scale

That scale in your bathroom is not your friend! It is a critical enemy. Okay. [...]

Food for Thought – Health or Belonging

If you knew for sure that you could be healthy no matter your body size, [...]

Food for Thought – If Your Hunger Could Talk

What if your hunger could talk? What would it say? What does it want you [...]

Food for Thought – The Real Enemy is Shame

Food is not the enemy, shame is. Shame is believing that you are rotten to [...]

Battle the Binge, Not Your Emotions

When I look back at my life with disordered eating and body image, it’s hard [...]


A Week and a Lifetime of Emotions

Last Wednesday I wrote and sent out a newsletter article sharing my feelings about that [...]

Are you Struggling Post 2016 Election?

The results of the election have devastated me! I feel sad, hopeless, terrified, horrified. I [...]

Men and Eating Disorders: A Widely Ignored Subject

This is a Guest Blog written by Michelle Peterson of The vast majority of education [...]

Food for Thought – What’s in a Number… Nothing!

BMI and/or the number on your scale mean nothing about your health! How can it? [...]

Food for Thought – Body image is a Tough One

Most of my clients will feel better about their improved relationship to food more quickly [...]

Food for Thought – Is it Hunger or Emotions

If you notice you’re afraid to be hungry, notice that this is really about fear [...]

Food for Thought – Stop Diet Thoughts

One of the most important steps you can take to return to a healthy relationship [...]

Food for Thought – The Negative Voice of Your Clothes

Is your closet full of clothes you don’t like, that don’t fit, that just bore [...]

Food for Thought – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

One step forward, two steps back may appear to be true. Yet that’s a black [...]

Food for Thought – Personal Growth

Personal growth can be scary. True. Yet, how scary is it to not grow and [...]

How I’m Going to Face My Fear of Criticism

Sitting over a latte, a new friend talked about how he was terrified of criticism [...]

Are You Married to Weight Loss

Are you married to weight loss? Do you have an inner voice that talks weight [...]

Meet Em

Join her Monthly Group for Fitness Health and Help Others at the Same Time As [...]

Anne’s Booth: The Counselor is In

Sign up for Anne’s Booth! Because the Counselor is IN! We all need help sometimes! [...]

Stop the Diet Madness

I remember what it was like to feel so desperate to lose weight that I [...]

The Holiday Binge Blues: How to Finally End the Cycle

I was recently listening to a Brené Brown lecture on CD. You’ve likely heard of [...]

Expert Eating Disorder Counselor Helps Women with their Body Shame

Expert Eating Disorder Counselor Helps Women and Men let go of the crazy-making cycle of [...]

The Link Between Love and Eating Disorders, Part 3

The Secret to Healing: Feel Your Feelings So you use food to push down your [...]

The Link Between Love and Eating Disorders, Part 2

What is Disordered Eating There are three types of eating. There’s “normal” eating. If you’re [...]

The Link Between Love and Eating Disorders, Part 1

When I was a kid, I fantasized about starving myself. I wanted to so badly. [...]

Do You Suffer from Exercise Resistance?

You know you’re supposed to exercise. You know it’s good for you. You know you [...]

Does Food Addiction Really Exist

People love to make food the enemy. They blame food for giving them a big [...]

What You Resist Persists

Imagine a bowl full of water. Inside the bowl, on top of the water is [...]

Feature Author on Portland Therapy Center

If you are ready to get out of the crazy making diet cycle, read this [...]

Honor YOU and International No Diet Day – May 6, 2014

Welcome to the No-Diet Boat! Meet some of the members of the boat with the [...]

It’s Not About Food

If you are thinking about how to get rid of the chocolate in your cupboard [...]

What is normal eating anyway?

Do you have no idea what “normal” eating is? Do you wish you could eat [...]

Food Rules

The fashion world gives us lots of rules for dressing. They tell us what to [...]

Reduce Eating Disorders in Children

As you may or may not know, your past influences who you are today. It [...]

Why Weight Loss Solves Nothing

“I’m thin, but I’m not happy,” said a client to me. Despite the promise of [...]

Food is Not the Enemy, Shame is

Shame. Likely the emotion you hate to feel the most. It gets pushed down and [...]

If You’re going to Eat it, You may as well Taste it

Mmmm, pizza! You love pizza and you really want some. “NO! You can’t have pizza,” [...]

Put Your Hunger on the Scale

Take a moment to contemplate the follow: Do you eat before you get hungry? Do [...]

Are you lacking in love?

Are you lacking in love? Love from others. Love for yourself. Love for your body. [...]

Diets Don’t Work and Never Will

Ever wonder why you binge? Maybe you just think it’s because you can’t control yourself. [...]

More love in 2014

Last week I sent you an article talking about the lack of love in my [...]

Giving Up Dieting is Not Giving Up

Happy New Year! 2014 Here We Come! I find the beginning of the New Year [...]

The Culture of Thin is In

Ever notice how many television ads you see tell you 1) how to lose weight [...]

I admit it, I’m a Grinch this time of year

I was recently sitting in a restaurant, enjoying the conversation and the person I was [...]


Understand Your Family, Understand Yourself

Family. There’s nothing quite like them. They can be great. They can be fun. They [...]

A Free Body Image Workshop

Discover how to find joy and acceptance in your body You find yourself looking in [...]

Three Stages of Recovery from Abuse: Beyond Survivor

Written by: Rachel Grant, Trauma Recovery Coach I grew up in a fairly small town [...]

What You an Mike Jeffries, CEO of A&F, Have in Common

By now you may have heard about the insulting words said by CEO, Mike Jeffries [...]

Do the Words Eating Disorder Hinder You?

You may recall my recent survey in which I requested your help. I asked if [...]

The #1 Secret to Ending Eating Disorder Behaviors

Being caught in this binge purge cycle to any degree will not help you have [...]

More of Me to Love on the Inside

I used to be a lone business owner. For years, I worked on my business [...]

“Can’t I eat cake instead…?”

While in supervision with a supervisee who is working toward licensure, I was giving him [...]

Look fantastic on the outside, feel beautiful on the inside; no weight loss required

Pants, dresses, shorts, skirts, t-shirts, blouses, bras, lingerie, socks, tights, leggings… oh my! Silk, linen, [...]

Do You Just Want to Be Happy?

“I just want to be happy!” Does this sound familiar? I hear these words all [...]

The Diet Cycle (Binge/Purge Cycle)

The Dieting Cycle (Binge/Purge Cycle) When you are in the dieting cycle, you begin by [...]

More of Me to Love on the Inside

I used to be a lone business owner. For years, I worked on my business [...]

Choose Another Measure of Success

One of my clients is struggling at the gym. She isn’t struggling to go to [...]

Revolutions Not Resolutions

The turn of the calendar into a New Year occurs again. I admit it; January [...]

The Holidays from your Inner Child’s Perspective

Do you ever feel like a child? Do you ever want to just throw yourself [...]

Eat What You Want Without Guilt!

It’s Possible and It Works A few weeks ago, I hosted a free teleseminar about [...]

Self Criticism: The Very Loud Killer of Souls, Part 2

Self Criticism: The Very Loud Killer of Souls, Part 2 A few weeks ago I [...]

Self Criticism: The Very Loud Killer of Human Souls

If I had a magic therapy wand I would wave it around and magically make [...]

Don’t Worry, Be Happy Isn’t So Simple

  In 1988 Bobby McFerrin released a song called “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Even now [...]

The #1 Secret to Ending Eating Disorder Behaviors

Being caught in this binge purge cycle to any degree will not help you have [...]

Eating Mindfully

If You are Going to Eat It, You May as Well Taste It If you [...]

Critically Think Your Way to Feeling Good about Yourself

An acquaintance of mine, who knows what I do for a living and partially understands [...]

Death and Taxes and Eating Disorders

What do these have to do with eating disorders? “In this world nothing is certain [...]

Find a Community of Support

We all want to fit in. It is natural and normal. It is human. We [...]

There are Steps to Take Toward Recovery

Recovery from an eating disorder (or disordered eating, if you prefer) is no simple task. [...]

The Hunger Scale

Food is fuel for your body. It gives you the energy you need to go [...]

Is Shame or Defense Your Protective Game?

An interesting moment occurred during the process group I lead. I want to share it [...]

Is Denial Your Friend and Food Your Enemy?

Article by Michelle Drake, mental health therapist Do you ever wonder if you have ever [...]

Recovery Is Possible

Lately, I have had a few clients ask me what recovery from disordered eating is. [...]

Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It

I lead a group for women who struggle with food and body image issues. We [...]

You Didn’t Fail the Diet, the Diet Failed You

The New Year has passed, your resolution to lose weight has run its course once [...]

The Number on the Scale is Just a Number

The number on the scale is not who you are! Maybe that should be obvious, [...]

Mind versus Body

Healing from a disordered relationship with food comes in two parts, the behavioral and the [...]

Understand Yourself and Your Eating Disorder

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a social psychology theory developed by Eric Berne, MD. I was [...]

How to Make Your Eating Disorder Obsolete

Feel Your Feelings In June’s Newsletter “Throwing Up Your Feelings” I talked about various ways [...]

Throwing Up Your Feelings

You just ate too much. You can feel it in your belly. It feels large, [...]

Your Eating Disorder Wants to Tell You Something

Your Eating Disorder Voice is communicating something. Your Healthy Voice is communicating something. Often, these [...]

Shame is the enemy

Happy New Year! This time a year is usually a time to create a New [...]

Emily’s Story

This month’s Food Is Not The Enemy Newsletter has a special treat enclosed. Emily’s story. [...]

Shame is the Enemy, Part 2

Today you are reading Part 2 of Shame is the Enemy. Last month, I talked [...]

A New Year: Time for a New Resolution

Happy New Year! Ah, the time of year for a New Year’s resolution. “This year, [...]

Have a Different Kind of New Year

Last year, right around this time, my friend Tina suggested we spend the year focusing [...]

Surviving Thanksgiving

I have always affectionately named Thanksgiving as National Overeater’s Day. I consider this affectionate because [...]

“Fat!” Say it Loud, Say it Proud

My intern Tina and I were recently discussing the word FAT. She couldn’t imagine herself [...]

The Eating Disorder Whack-a-Mole Game

Let’s face it – sometimes when you’re dealing with an eating disorder, dealing with the [...]

Fat Clothes

I was listening to the radio one day and caught the beginning of a commercial [...]

Are You a Control Freak

Many people who suffer with disordered eating also suffer with a fear of being out [...]

When comments about your body trigger you

Living in a weight obsessed society is no picnic. You don’t need to have an [...]

Body Image and Mirrors

Mirror, Mirror When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Where do you [...]

How to change to non-diet thinking… for your health

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi Many who [...]

Health at Every Size is Possible

In this newsletter edition, I will attempt to challenge your view of fat as being [...]

Will your New Year’s Resolution help you lose weight?

Happy New Year! Ah, the time of year for a New Year’s resolution. This year, [...]

Size is Not the Enemy

A colleague, Tina Gilbertson, and I were talking about the support groups we have been [...]

Tips for eating Thanksgiving Dinner, not your feelings

For this month’s newsletter, I am borrowing from my last year’s newsletter, “Thanksgiving, i.e. National [...]

The Eater’s Agreement

As men and women with food and body image challenges, we may learn to deny [...]

Resistance is not just a form of Exercise

Do you enjoy exercising? Do you have a physical activity that you just love and [...]

What If It’s Not About Food

I often ask those who I work with: “If it’s not about food, what is [...]

Reduce the chance of eating disorders in children

I’m sure many of you could tell me at least one story about your mother, [...]

Normal Eating, What is that?

Normal eating is being able to eat when you are hungry and continue eating until [...]

Rules of the Dinner Table

I remember when sugar was the worst food you could eat. Then, fat was making [...]

Lose Weight: Problem Solved?

There is a promise in our society that if you lose weight, you will be [...]

Put Your Hunger on the Scale

Lately, I find myself saying to people, “Your weight isn’t about what you eat, it [...]

If You are Going to Eat It, Enjoy It

If you are a compulsive overeater, you may tend to shovel food down without even [...]

Food is Not the Enemy, Shame is the Enemy

I am big on emotions. Sadness, Joy, Anger, Fear, Hurt, Happiness, and Shame are all [...]

Understanding Your Family

As the holidays approach, you may feel excited and/or anxious about seeing your family. Or, [...]

Culture Plays a Role

Ever notice how many television ads you see tell you 1) how to lose weight [...]

Why Diets Don’t Work

I love peanut butter. As a kid, I used to eat it out of the [...]