Emotional and behavioral
- Increasing neglect of diabetes management
- Secrecy about diabetes management
- Avoiding diabetes related appointments
- Fear of low blood sugars
- Fear that “insulin makes me fat”
- Extreme increase or decrease in diet
- Extreme anxiety about body image
- Restricting certain food or food groups to lower insulin dosages
- Avoids eating with family or in public
- Discomfort testing/injecting in front of others
- Overly strict food rules
- Preoccupation with food, weight and/or calories
- Excessive and/or rigid exercise
- Increase in sleep pattern
- Withdrawal from friends and/or family activities
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Infrequently filled prescriptions
- A1c of 9.0 or higher on a continuous basis
- A1c inconsistent with meter readings
- Unexplained weight loss
- Constant bouts of nausea and/or vomiting
- Persistent thirst and frequent urination
- Multiple DKA or near DKA episodes
- Low sodium and/or potassium
- Frequent bladder and/or yeast infections
- Irregular or lack of menstruation
- Deteriorating or blurry vision
- Fatigue or lethargy
- Dry hair and skin
Short-term consequences:
- Slow wound healing – high blood sugar causes poor circulation, decreases the function of red and white blood cells, and damages small blood vessels; all of which delay wound healing and can sometimes progress into an ulcer in a person with diabetes.
- Staph and other bacterial infections – high blood sugar causes the body to produce certain enzymes and hormones that negatively affect the immune system and reduce the body’s defense against infection. This risk of infection plus slowed healing heighten a person’s chance of developing gangrene, sepsis or a bone infection.
- Yeast infections – excess sugar allows the overgrowth of yeast, often in the vaginal area.
- Muscle atrophy – without insulin, the body cannot utilize food and cells begin to starve so the body begins to break down muscle for fuel.
- Menstrual disruption – without sufficient nutrition, a woman’s estrogen levels fall which can keep menstruation from starting, or cause it to become irregular or stop completely; also when a woman’s body senses starvation it will cease reproduction to conserve energy.
- Severe dehydration – insulin deficiency puts the body into a state of starvation causing it to break down tissues to create ketones to use as fuel; in an attempt to expel the ketones in the urine the body ends up dispelling too much fluid.
- Electrolyte imbalance – as the kidneys extract sugar and ketones to expel with urine, they also extract sodium and potassium which can lead to an extreme electrolyte balance, especially when combined with vomiting which often occurs with high ketone levels.
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis – people with type 1 diabetes will develop dangerous levels of ketones faster than others because the body needs insulin to transport ketones from the bloodstream into cells; without insulin, the ketones build up in the bloodstream faster than the kidneys can remove them causing the blood to become acidic. Not only does the acidic blood damage blood vessels, nerves and organs, but even a minor alteration in a person’s blood pH can cause organ systems to shut down resulting in coma and sometimes death.
Long-term consequences:
High blood glucose causes blood to become like sandpaper scraping and damaging blood vessel walls. In addition, blood that is acidic from ketones can cause vessel damage. The consequences of this damage are often seen in the eyes where tiny vessels begin to leak into the eyeball.
- Retinopathy – small black spots or “floaters” disrupting a person’s vision; the bleeding may be stopped with treatment, but persistent or recurrent retinopathy can eventually lead to blindness.
- Macular Edema – swelling of the eye ball from excess fluid; if untreated it can eventually cause permanent damage to the eye.
Nerve fibers are particularly vulnerable to prolonged periods of high blood sugar. Many factors can damage the small nerves in the body including reduction in oxygen supply; thick, sticky blood that has difficulty getting to the small capillaries that feed the nerves; and inflammation of the nerves.
- Peripheral Neuropathy – stabbing/burning/tingling pain, weakness or numbness in the hands, feet, legs and/or arms.
- Gastroparesis – slowed stomach emptying from damaged nerves preventing proper digestion and causing stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
- Vasovagal Syncope – malfunction of the nervous system in response to stress or position change causing a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate and sometimes fainting.
- Chronic diarrhea or constipation – when nerves that control the intestines and colon are damaged, a person may experience abnormal fluid absorption or slowed motility.
Other organ damage.
- Kidney disease – High blood sugars make the kidneys work excessively hard causing damage to the kidneys filtering system. Kidneys begin leaking protein into urine and lose their ability to remove waste products and excess fluid allowing waste and fluid to build up in the body; it can eventually lead to kidney failure requiring frequent dialysis or kidney transplant.
- Liver disease – Although the specific mechanism is not well understood, we know that insulin deficiency results in non-alcoholic fatter liver – too much fat accumulated in the liver coupled with inflammation; in severe cases it can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure.
- Heart disease – hardening and narrowing of the arteries from high cholesterol.
Many of the above consequences can become fatal – sometimes over time such as kidney or heart disease and sometimes very quickly such as diabetic ketoacidosis.
- Coma
- Stroke
- Death
Without insulin, the body cannot utilize anything eaten putting the body into a state of malnutrition or starvation. As a result, in addition to the above complications a person with diabulimia can also incur the same consequences as someone with anorexia nervosa. And if a person engages in other forms of purging beyond insulin restriction, they can develop consequences associated with bulimia nervosa.