Compulsive Overeating
About Compulsive Overeating
Often called “an addiction to food,” compulsive overeating food is used as a placebo to hide or dodge emotions, daily stresses or emotional triggers.
- Do you often eat to a point of no control or no stopping you?
- Do you eat more frequently than normal?
Do you eat alone for feeling ashamed or guilty? - Do you find yourself obsessed with food or weight gain?
- Do you experience a lot of mood swings on a daily/weekly basis?
- Have others commented or brought attention to your abnormal eating behavior/habits?
- Have you missed out on social activities because of body shame or insecurities about your body?
- Do you or your family have a history of dieting?
- Do you eat very little around others and eat the most in isolation?
- Do you believe that your life will “begin” or be better after you lost weight?
- Do you hide or hoard food in odd places?
- Do you have a lot of self doubt or self loathing episodes after an eating sessions?
- Do you find that food is your only friend/companion?
- Have you gained and lost weight over and over?
- Have you lost your sex drive?
But do not confuse this disorder with bulimia nervosa. Those suffering from compulsive eating, do not tend to purge after these binges. When this individual eats an excessive amount of food, it may bring a feeling of relief or comfort from feeling negative emotions, but only for a limited amount of time. Even though society or loved ones may advise the individual to fix the problem by beginning to exercise and going on a diet, the problem is not food consumption but the person using food as a coping method for emotions in their life. A person with this disorder may also be a victim of sexual assault, feeling inadequate and therefore filling this void with food consumption. Bingeing episodes are also used to numb the negative emotions that come with body shame and insecurity.
Even if you are not a survivor of sexual assault, or find yourself with binges even once a week, we are here to help! Together we can help you identify emotions or memories that trigger compulsive eating. Reach out to us by phone or email (whichever you are most comfortable with) and we can help you get the help you connect and respond to hunger and fullness cues again! When you are ready, look through our directory and find and contact a counselor, nutritionist who can help. We can help you receive the best possible care to reach recovery around food. Just one phone call or email away can be the start of a new, healthier you-you deserve this! Call someone today 🙂