Expert Eating Disorder Counselor Helps Women and Men let go of the crazy-making cycle of Yo-Yo Dieting and Body Shame. Anne Cuthbert, Licensed Professional Counselor and expert in the field of disordered eating and body image. Read more here… Download PDF here… 00083853-expert-eating-disorder-counselor-helps-women-with-their-body-shame About Food Is Not the Enemy I help women who are in […]
Tag Archives: Binge Eating
The Secret to Healing: Feel Your Feelings So you use food to push down your feelings. That’s okay. Millions of women (and men) do too. You are not alone! But you can get out of this pattern. As I’ve mentioned in the last two articles, the way to heal is to feel your feelings. It […]
What is Disordered Eating There are three types of eating. There’s “normal” eating. If you’re reading this article, you may not be too familiar with this type of eating. Perhaps you’re more familiar with “deprivation sensitive eating” and “emotional eating.” Deprivation Sensitive Eating Deprivation sensitive eating is the eating you do when you deprive yourself […]
When I was a kid, I fantasized about starving myself. I wanted to so badly. I thought that somehow this would make me feel better – would make me be better. You see, I didn’t feel loved. My father was gone, remarried to a woman with 6 boys. He didn’t have time for me and […]
You know you’re supposed to exercise. You know it’s good for you. You know you should like it and want to do it. But…You. Don’t. Seem. To. Be. Able. To. Get. Up. And. Go! You may be suffering from the condition of Exercise Resistance! You’ve likely heard about compulsive (or addictive) exercising. You may wish you were […]
People love to make food the enemy. They blame food for giving them a big butt, tummy and thighs. They blame food for breaking up marriages and causing problems in relationships. They blame food for making them undesirable, unlovable and unhealthy. They even blame food for causing them to be out of control. But… food […]
Imagine a bowl full of water. Inside the bowl, on top of the water is a cork. When you press on the cork, it is pushed under the water. When you let it go, it bobs up and down on the surface for a bit and then is motionless again on top of the water. […]
If you are ready to get out of the crazy making diet cycle, read this post on Portland Therapy Center. This is often the first and most important step you can take to end the obsession with food and weight. Click here to read more and take your first step today! [gmbv_business_map]
Welcome to the No-Diet Boat! Meet some of the members of the boat with the “Lose the Diet, Gain Yourself” Telesummit Recordings: Get the support you need to be on this boat for good – begin today on International No Diet Day! In January of 2013, I presented the “Lose the Diet, Gain Yourself” Telesummit, […]
If you are thinking about how to get rid of the chocolate in your cupboard so you won’t eat it all in one sitting, and you’re convinced that it’s really about the chocolate, and you can’t stop thinking about that chocolate, and you don’t know how you’re going to ever stop thinking about it, then […]
Do you have no idea what “normal” eating is? Do you wish you could eat like normal people but can’t? Normal eating may not be what you think it is… Normal eating is being able to eat when you are hungry and continue eating until you are satisfied. It is being able to choose food […]
The fashion world gives us lots of rules for dressing. They tell us what to wear and how we’re supposed to look in it. Nutrition is also fashionable. They tell us what to eat and how it’s supposed to be “good” for us. Of course, no one agrees about what really is nutritious! Everyone has […]
As you may or may not know, your past influences who you are today. It also influences how you interact with food. I’m sure many of you could tell me at least one story (and probably more) about your mother, father, siblings, grandparents, other family members doing or saying something that contributed to how you […]
“I’m thin, but I’m not happy,” said a client to me. Despite the promise of thin = happy in our culture, so many women find this isn’t necessarily the case. Of course, I’ve also heard from clients about how happy they were “that time I did lose weight.” However, doesn’t this situation lead a person […]
Shame. Likely the emotion you hate to feel the most. It gets pushed down and is often felt at the core of your struggles. Shame about food. Shame about your body. Shame about who you are. It’s painful. No doubt about it. And it’s also okay to feel shame. There are two types of shame. […]
Mmmm, pizza! You love pizza and you really want some. “NO! You can’t have pizza,” you angrily tell yourself. “Pizza is BAD for me!” So you go to the fridge and find a bag of carrots. Sitting in front of the TV, you eat your carrots. They aren’t great, but they are “good for me” […]
Take a moment to contemplate the follow: Do you eat before you get hungry? Do you eat way after you’re past being too hungry? Both are about emotional eating. Any time you eat other than for hunger and eat beyond fullness, you are eating for emotional reasons. If you don’t allow yourself to be hungry […]
Are you lacking in love? Love from others. Love for yourself. Love for your body. These are often the items that my clients feel are lacking in their life. And I know just what that’s like too. I used to idolize my mother. I thought she was the best! So my lack of feeling loved […]
Ever wonder why you binge? Maybe you just think it’s because you can’t control yourself. You probably think you’re a bad person because you overate, yet again. But it’s not your fault! It never was. It never will be. You binge because you diet! You don’t trust yourself because you diet! When you diet, you […]
Last week I sent you an article talking about the lack of love in my life and how I needed to find it for myself. I talked about how this was key to loving my body and letting go of obsessing about food. If you didn’t get a chance to read it and want to, […]
Happy New Year! 2014 Here We Come! I find the beginning of the New Year to be an exciting time (once I get over the fact that another year has passed). I love the idea of intentions and yearly themes. Certainly not as a way to promise something and then feel like a failure in […]
Ever notice how many television ads you see tell you 1) how to lose weight and be happy on this diet or that diet 2) why you should eat this food because it is healthy and will help you lose weight or lower your cholesterol 3) that “bad” foods seductively portrayed as delicious, smooth, velvety, […]
I was recently sitting in a restaurant, enjoying the conversation and the person I was with when suddenly my attention tuned into the happy, joyful Christmas music blaring above. “I don’t like Christmas music!” I belted out. Whenever I hear it, I cringe. I tense up. I may even snarl. I can’t help it. I […]
Family. There’s nothing quite like them. They can be great. They can be fun. They can understand you more than anyone. They can also drive you crazy! They know your buttons and they can push them faster and better than anyone. After all, that’s what family is for, right? Your relationship with your family dictates […]