Category Archives: Body Shame

“Can’t I eat cake instead…?”

While in supervision with a supervisee who is working toward licensure, I was giving him feedback on his therapy interventions. It was a session in which he received a lot of direct feedback from me. He always approaches his work and our sessions with openness and an eagerness to learn but that doesn’t mean it’s […]

Look fantastic on the outside, feel beautiful on the inside; no weight loss required

Pants, dresses, shorts, skirts, t-shirts, blouses, bras, lingerie, socks, tights, leggings… oh my! Silk, linen, wool, cashmere, cotton, denim, leather… exquisite! Patterns, prints, flowers, solids, sunny colors, warm colors, dark colors, all the colors of the rainbow and more…fun! Unlike women a hundred years ago, we have tons of garment options in loads of combinations! […]

Do You Just Want to Be Happy?

“I just want to be happy!” Does this sound familiar? I hear these words all the time from my clients and from, well, everyone. You just want to be happy. Right? I do too. Even Thomas Jefferson and the other writers of the Declaration of Independence recognized the importance of the pursuit of happiness. So […]

The Diet Cycle (Binge/Purge Cycle)

The Dieting Cycle (Binge/Purge Cycle) When you are in the dieting cycle, you begin by restricting in a variety of ways: the diet starts, you don’t eat what you really want, you eat less than you want or need, you feel bad about what you eat, and/or you starve yourself. Perhaps you eventually eat the […]

More of Me to Love on the Inside

I used to be a lone business owner. For years, I worked on my business all by myself. This is what I was taught after all. I was the only one I could count on; I had to do it alone. Finally, one day I realized that I didn’t want to be alone in it […]

Eat What You Want Without Guilt!

It’s Possible and It Works A few weeks ago, I hosted a free teleseminar about the most important step to changing your relationship with food. If you haven’t already, listen to the teleseminar recording by clicking here. This teleseminar addressed the step of eating whatever you want and letting go of the concept that food […]

Eating Mindfully

If You are Going to Eat It, You May as Well Taste It If you are a compulsive overeater, you may tend to shovel food down without even tasting it. Have you ever eaten an entire meal and still felt hungry afterwards? This is because you didn’t eat what you really wanted or didn’t take […]

Critically Think Your Way to Feeling Good about Yourself

An acquaintance of mine, who knows what I do for a living and partially understands it, likes to tell me what he knows about the study of weight, food, etc. It is his way of bonding with me and supporting me. I appreciate it. Yet because he only partially understands, I often tense a little […]

There are Steps to Take Toward Recovery

Recovery from an eating disorder (or disordered eating, if you prefer) is no simple task. You have been dealing with or even better, using it as a way to cope for a very long time. It is attached to you, stuck on you, and you are stuck on it. It is like a best friend […]

The Hunger Scale

Food is fuel for your body. It gives you the energy you need to go through your day, to work, to play, to study, to parent, to enjoy life. You expend energy while you do those things and food helps you replace the energy so you can keep going. Without enough food, you get tired, […]

Is Shame or Defense Your Protective Game?

An interesting moment occurred during the process group I lead. I want to share it with you because I believe you will also find it interesting. This is where it began… I said something provocative to the group members. It was provocative because I knew it would trigger at least one person. I promise – […]

The Number on the Scale is Just a Number

The number on the scale is not who you are! Maybe that should be obvious, but is it? Our culture is so messed up about weight. We are told that unless you are in the “normal” range on the BMI scale, you are unhealthy. We are judged by our weight, there is no doubt about […]

Throwing Up Your Feelings

You just ate too much. You can feel it in your belly. It feels large, extra large, and is starting to hurt. You yell at yourself for eating too much. “I can’t believe I did that again”; “You are a fat pig, pathetic, gross.” You begin to panic and think up a way to get […]

Your Eating Disorder Wants to Tell You Something

Your Eating Disorder Voice is communicating something. Your Healthy Voice is communicating something. Often, these “Voices” are competing with each other, but what are they really trying to say? I often talk to clients about the “Eating Disorder Voice” and the “Healthy Voice.” Part of the treatment for an eating disorder is to make the […]

Emily’s Story

This month’s Food Is Not The Enemy Newsletter has a special treat enclosed. Emily’s story. Emily is in the process of understanding her eating disorder. She has recognized that it isn’t about food, and is currently wrestling with the underlying issues. In her story, she talks about her struggles with her body image and learning […]

A New Year: Time for a New Resolution

Happy New Year! Ah, the time of year for a New Year’s resolution. “This year, I really will lose weight and get fit! I promise, I swear! This year is the year – for real this time.” How many times have you said that before? The New Year seems to give us a sense of […]

Have a Different Kind of New Year

Last year, right around this time, my friend Tina suggested we spend the year focusing on learning about a topic to which we were unfamiliar or just wanted to explore more. We each chose our topic and decided that the full year would be dedicated to learning about this topic any way we chose. My […]

“Fat!” Say it Loud, Say it Proud

My intern Tina and I were recently discussing the word FAT. She couldn’t imagine herself saying the word, believing it to be filled with shame, stereotypes and disgust. For me, it is merely a description, such as tall, brown hair, or big feet. (It wasn’t always this way for me and Tina is now changing […]

Fat Clothes

I was listening to the radio one day and caught the beginning of a commercial talking about again having to wear his “fat clothes.” He then said glumly “does this sound familiar?” I imagined that it did sound familiar to many people listening and that “fat clothes” is a term many use. Well, my first […]

How to change to non-diet thinking… for your health

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi Many who come in to work with me are interested in losing weight. It is no surprise. After all, our society tends to judge us based on the size of our body. Size discrimination is rampant and perceived as acceptable. If you […]

Tips for eating Thanksgiving Dinner, not your feelings

For this month’s newsletter, I am borrowing from my last year’s newsletter, “Thanksgiving, i.e. National Overeater’s Day”. It seems appropriate to talk once again about this day of thanks and the day that overeating is the accepted principle. Before I started to deal with my own food issues, I treated Thanksgiving Day as an excuse […]

Resistance is not just a form of Exercise

Do you enjoy exercising? Do you have a physical activity that you just love and can’t wait to do? Or, do you wish you wanted to exercise – after all it will help you lose weight – but you can’t seem to get yourself to do it? Or, perhaps you yo-yo exercise – you exercise […]

If You are Going to Eat It, Enjoy It

If you are a compulsive overeater, you may tend to shovel food down without even tasting it. Have you ever eaten an entire meal and still felt hungry afterwards? This is because you didn’t eat what you really wanted or didn’t take the time to taste what you ate. How often do you read, watch […]

Understanding Your Family

As the holidays approach, you may feel excited and/or anxious about seeing your family. Or, perhaps you avoid your family and feel relief at not spending time with them. Family holds a certain space in our lives. Whether you talk to your family members every day or not at all, family has a way of […]