Category Archives: Body Image

Eight Keys to End Emotional Eating

Books and Book Reviews: Eight Keys to End Emotional Eating By Howard S. Farkas, Ph.D. Clinicians in the field of eating disorders as well as an increasing number of people with disordered eating have embraced the truth that diets do not work. For every food restriction, a backlash binge is waiting in the wings. And every […]

Lifetime Weight Characteristics of Adult

Lifetime Weight Characteristics of Adult Inpatients With Severe Anorexia Nervosa: Maximal Lifetime BMI Predicts Treatment Outcome.  Background: The body mass index is a key predictor of treatment outcome in patients with anorexia nervosa. In adolescents, higher premorbid BMI is a strong predictor of a favorable treatment outcome. It is unclear whether this relationship holds true […]

Short-Term Outcome of Inpatient Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa

Short-Term Outcome of Inpatient Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa Using DSM-5 Remission Criteria.  This study evaluated the short-term outcome of a multimodal inpatient treatment concept for adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). In this prospective observational study, a cohort of 126 female adolescents with AN (age range: 11-17, mean age: 14.83) was longitudinally followed from […]

Structural and functional brain alterations in anorexia nervosa

A multimodal meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.  Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex psychiatric disorder with poorly understood etiology. Numerous voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and resting-state functional imaging studies have provided strong evidence of abnormal brain structure and intrinsic and functional activities in AN, but with inconsistent conclusions. Herein, a whole-brain meta-analysis was conducted on VBM (660 […]

Examining the significance of age of onset in persons with lifetime anorexia nervosa

Examining the significance of age of onset in persons with lifetime anorexia nervosa: Comparing child, adolescent, and emerging adult onsets in nationally representative U.S. study.  Objective: This study compared sociodemographic and clinical profiles of adult patients with lifetime DSM-5-defined anorexia nervosa (AN) categorized by age-of-onset using data from U.S. national sample of adults. Method: Study […]

Eating Disorders Counseling Center

Eating Disorders Counseling Center Did you know that more women than men have eating disorders? Learn more about eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating. An example of other specified feeding and eating disorders is “atypical anorexia nervosa”. This category includes individuals who may have lost a lot of weight and whose behaviors […]

Food Is Not the Enemy is Partnering with Hello Life Eating Disorder Recovery Services

Hello Life Eating Disorder Recovery Services received a $10,000 grant from the Health Care Foundation to offer its first professionally-led support group. The Longview nonprofit is partnering with Food is Not the Enemy of Vancouver to offer the free group to Cowlitz County adults for a year, according to a press release. Hello Life provides […]

Types of Eating Disorder Specialists

Types of Eating Disorder Specialists Professionals who specialize in the treatment of Eating Disorders include the following: Eating Disorder Therapists or Counselors:  These professionals provide therapy sessions of various types, such as individual, groups, family, workshops, couples. Each has a different style and theory base, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or many others. […]

What To Look For in an Eating Disorder Specialist

Seeking a specialist who understands, has training in, and may even have personal experience with recovering from an Eating Disorder is important. Not all professionals really understand the complexity of an Eating Disorder. However, the most important aspect to your recovery is finding someone you like and can learn to trust. Here are some other […]

What to Do When an Eating Disorder is Linked to Trauma

Eating disorders develop for a variety of reasons. One is trauma. Though society’s unrealistic expectations for appearance and photoshopped advertising isn’t good for anyone, trauma alone can cause you to spiral into binge eating, anorexia or bulimia. It’s important to treat these disorders in a way that helps address the traumatic catalyst. When it Happens […]

3 Things You Can Do to Help Yourself Feel Better at Every Size

Regardless of the size of your jeans, you deserve to feel good about yourself. With a mindset that comes from taking proactive steps on the road to good physical and emotional health, you can develop a positive self-image that will stay with you all the time. Here are three things you can do to feel […]

Eating Disorders and the Narcissist

Eating Disorders and the Narcissist Patients suffering from eating disorders binge on food and sometimes are both anorectic and bulimic. This is an impulsive behaviour as defined by the DSM (particularly in the case of BPD and to a lesser extent of Cluster B disorders in general). Some patients develop these disorders as a way to self-mutilate. It […]

Information on Eating Disorders

Do you struggle with your weight? A large percent of modern America suffer from issues regarding weight. Now, while a number of these individuals are literally overweight, many others are not. In fact, eating disorders have become a standard affliction amongst today’s society. The big question now is; how thin is too thin? This dilemma draws from […]

Food for Thought – Health or Belonging

If you knew for sure that you could be healthy no matter your body size, would you still want to be thin? Is it really about health, as you say, or is it about trying to fit in? We all need to belong! It’s in our DNA. If the price of admission is thinness of […]

Food for Thought – If Your Hunger Could Talk

What if your hunger could talk? What would it say? What does it want you to know? Take a breath right now and ask your hunger what it wants. And then listen, really listen – without judgment if you can. Do this when you are hungry and when you aren’t. Is there a difference in […]

Food for Thought – The Real Enemy is Shame

Food is not the enemy, shame is. Shame is believing that you are rotten to your core. Dieting and eating perfect are only ways to try your best to improve on your rotten core – or at least to appear to others to be good enough. Map Directions to Food Is Not The Enemy [gmbv_business_map]

Battle the Binge, Not Your Emotions

When I look back at my life with disordered eating and body image, it’s hard to remember how difficult and challenging it all was. I remember most strongly comparing myself to every woman I saw. I remember wanting so badly to “just starve myself to make everything better.” I remember exercising on and off and […]

Are you Struggling Post 2016 Election?

The results of the election have devastated me! I feel sad, hopeless, terrified, horrified. I am so concerned about the state of this country and all the damage that Trump paired with having a majority in the House and Senate will do! I am concerned about women, children, people of color, people of various religions, […]

How I’m Going to Face My Fear of Criticism

Sitting over a latte, a new friend talked about how he was terrified of criticism from others when he decided to step out and show the world who he really is. As I was listening, what easily surfaced was my own fear of putting my book (written for all of you) out to the world. […]

Expert Eating Disorder Counselor Helps Women with their Body Shame

Expert Eating Disorder Counselor Helps Women and Men let go of the crazy-making cycle of Yo-Yo Dieting and Body Shame. Anne Cuthbert, Licensed Professional Counselor and expert in the field of disordered eating and body image. Read more here… Download PDF here… 00083853-expert-eating-disorder-counselor-helps-women-with-their-body-shame About Food Is Not the Enemy I help women who are in […]

The Link Between Love and Eating Disorders, Part 2

What is Disordered Eating There are three types of eating. There’s “normal” eating. If you’re reading this article, you may not be too familiar with this type of eating. Perhaps you’re more familiar with “deprivation sensitive eating” and “emotional eating.” Deprivation Sensitive Eating Deprivation sensitive eating is the eating you do when you deprive yourself […]

Do You Suffer from Exercise Resistance?

You know you’re supposed to exercise. You know it’s good for you. You know you should like it and want to do it. But…You. Don’t. Seem. To. Be. Able. To. Get. Up. And. Go! You may be suffering from the condition of Exercise Resistance! You’ve likely heard about compulsive (or addictive) exercising. You may wish you were […]

Does Food Addiction Really Exist

People love to make food the enemy. They blame food for giving them a big butt, tummy and thighs. They blame food for breaking up marriages and causing problems in relationships. They blame food for making them undesirable, unlovable and unhealthy. They even blame food for causing them to be out of control. But… food […]