You find yourself in front of the refrigerator. Again. “Why am I here?” you wonder. You recognize that you aren’t hungry or maybe you convince yourself that you are even though it wasn’t that long ago since you last ate. You look around the refrigerator and the cupboards filled with food and don’t find anything […]
Category Archives: Binge Eating
You find yourself in front of the refrigerator. Again. “Why am I here?” you wonder. You recognize that you aren’t hungry or maybe you convince yourself that you are even though it wasn’t that long ago since you last ate. You look around the refrigerator and the cupboards filled with food and don’t find anything […]
The benefit of having an eating disorder is that you can learn to listen to it. It has so much to teach you about what’s bothering you and what you’re feeling. Underneath the criticism it spews out is a voice that just feels shame, unworthy and unlovable. Believe it or not, that eating disorder voice […]
I often hear people tell me they wish they had a drug or alcohol addiction so they could just stop using or drinking. They believe it’s harder when it’s food. After all, we need to eat. But what if you can have your cake and eat it too? Addiction is about coping with feelings. When […]
If you knew for sure that you could be healthy no matter your body size, would you still want to be thin? Is it really about health, as you say, or is it about trying to fit in? We all need to belong! It’s in our DNA. If the price of admission is thinness of […]
What if your hunger could talk? What would it say? What does it want you to know? Take a breath right now and ask your hunger what it wants. And then listen, really listen – without judgment if you can. Do this when you are hungry and when you aren’t. Is there a difference in […]
Food is not the enemy, shame is. Shame is believing that you are rotten to your core. Dieting and eating perfect are only ways to try your best to improve on your rotten core – or at least to appear to others to be good enough. Map Directions to Food Is Not The Enemy [gmbv_business_map]
When I look back at my life with disordered eating and body image, it’s hard to remember how difficult and challenging it all was. I remember most strongly comparing myself to every woman I saw. I remember wanting so badly to “just starve myself to make everything better.” I remember exercising on and off and […]
Last Wednesday I wrote and sent out a newsletter article sharing my feelings about that day’s events. Knowing that many others were having feelings like mine, I thought it was a good time to reach out and talk about how to deal with emotions. I had more subscribers to my newsletter unsubscribe that day then […]
The results of the election have devastated me! I feel sad, hopeless, terrified, horrified. I am so concerned about the state of this country and all the damage that Trump paired with having a majority in the House and Senate will do! I am concerned about women, children, people of color, people of various religions, […]
This is a Guest Blog written by Michelle Peterson of The vast majority of education about eating disorders is focused on women. Admittedly, women are twice as likely to develop an eating disorder due to oppressive societal standards. However, male eating disorders are just as dangerous and far less discussed. Though men are less likely […]
Sitting over a latte, a new friend talked about how he was terrified of criticism from others when he decided to step out and show the world who he really is. As I was listening, what easily surfaced was my own fear of putting my book (written for all of you) out to the world. […]
Join her Monthly Group for Fitness Health and Help Others at the Same Time As an Activewear designer, I have always been inspired by movement and the beauty of aiding the body in performance. After battling three years of an eating disorder, fitness became my company. It was a way where I could still be […]
Sign up for Anne’s Booth! Because the Counselor is IN! We all need help sometimes! If you need some help, that’s okay! I’m happy to help you and others during these no-cost session of Anne’s Booth. Join me and others who are ready to ask for the help they need. Below are the details on how […]
The Secret to Healing: Feel Your Feelings So you use food to push down your feelings. That’s okay. Millions of women (and men) do too. You are not alone! But you can get out of this pattern. As I’ve mentioned in the last two articles, the way to heal is to feel your feelings. It […]
What is Disordered Eating There are three types of eating. There’s “normal” eating. If you’re reading this article, you may not be too familiar with this type of eating. Perhaps you’re more familiar with “deprivation sensitive eating” and “emotional eating.” Deprivation Sensitive Eating Deprivation sensitive eating is the eating you do when you deprive yourself […]
When I was a kid, I fantasized about starving myself. I wanted to so badly. I thought that somehow this would make me feel better – would make me be better. You see, I didn’t feel loved. My father was gone, remarried to a woman with 6 boys. He didn’t have time for me and […]
You know you’re supposed to exercise. You know it’s good for you. You know you should like it and want to do it. But…You. Don’t. Seem. To. Be. Able. To. Get. Up. And. Go! You may be suffering from the condition of Exercise Resistance! You’ve likely heard about compulsive (or addictive) exercising. You may wish you were […]
People love to make food the enemy. They blame food for giving them a big butt, tummy and thighs. They blame food for breaking up marriages and causing problems in relationships. They blame food for making them undesirable, unlovable and unhealthy. They even blame food for causing them to be out of control. But… food […]
If you are ready to get out of the crazy making diet cycle, read this post on Portland Therapy Center. This is often the first and most important step you can take to end the obsession with food and weight. Click here to read more and take your first step today! [gmbv_business_map]
If you are thinking about how to get rid of the chocolate in your cupboard so you won’t eat it all in one sitting, and you’re convinced that it’s really about the chocolate, and you can’t stop thinking about that chocolate, and you don’t know how you’re going to ever stop thinking about it, then […]
Do you have no idea what “normal” eating is? Do you wish you could eat like normal people but can’t? Normal eating may not be what you think it is… Normal eating is being able to eat when you are hungry and continue eating until you are satisfied. It is being able to choose food […]
The fashion world gives us lots of rules for dressing. They tell us what to wear and how we’re supposed to look in it. Nutrition is also fashionable. They tell us what to eat and how it’s supposed to be “good” for us. Of course, no one agrees about what really is nutritious! Everyone has […]
As you may or may not know, your past influences who you are today. It also influences how you interact with food. I’m sure many of you could tell me at least one story (and probably more) about your mother, father, siblings, grandparents, other family members doing or saying something that contributed to how you […]