Our treatment programs are specialized for people with issues that deal with

  • Binge Eating  * Body Shame  * Food Addiction  * Binge Eating  * Weight Shame  * Compulsive Overeating  * Excessive Exercise  * Anorexia Nervosa  * Bulimia Nervosa  * Orthorexia

We Understand. Let Us Help you with Finding You a Professional Eating Disorders Therapist.

Mental Health Services Specializing in Eating Disorders

  • Specializing in Eating Disorders for Food Addiction

  • Youth counseling for all types of Eating Disorders Issues

  • Offering services for prevention of Binge Eating

  • Education & Information for Body Shame & Body Images Issues

  • Group Support for recovery from an Eating Disorder

  • Anorexia, Bulimia + Excessive Exercise Therapy

  • Causes and Conditions for Eating Disorders

There are several outlets to consider when looking for mental health services. For example, those with mental health needs may come across programs that offer the following: crisis hotline, assertive community treatment programs, child and adolescent services, cognitive behavioral therapy, case management, hospital liaison, out-patient psychiatric treatment, intake, and referral and faith-based help.There are many reasons why people seek out mental health services from Therapy / Counseling Treatment. If an individual is free of anxiety, excessive stress, addictions, worry, depression, and other psychological problems, they feel more fulfilled. Desiring to have a healthy frame of mind is something that is normal to most. Having good mental health can assist a person to succeed in many aspects of their daily living such as: maintaining good health, making good life choices, and physical health, maintaining and having healthy relationships, hence the reason you should seek Top Professional Therapy Counseling Treatment.Those with mental health issues have a likelihood of making poor choices. Some examples of these poor choices are excessive drinking of alcohol, drug use, smoking, harmful eating habits and reckless behavior. These can all contribute to a person’s overall health and well being and for those who abuse themselves, the need for medical services will increase.With regards to treatment and sources of help, personal faith often plays a significant role in the reduction and elimination of the above mentioned symptoms and problems. Many people find themselves without permanent answers even after extensive professional mental health treatment services are received. Turning to a higher power and surrendering their lives to God through a belief in Christ as their Savior is an avenue of permanent recovery and treatment that multiple thousands turn to in the United States and other parts of the world. Faith-based programs can give individuals a foundation to base their lives upon that helps them handle the many vicissitudes of life.Food Is Not the Enemy Mental Health Services has experienced & capable professionals specializing in mental health services. Overcome all your mental problems to enjoy a great life.

Vancouver’s top rated Eating Disorder counseling practice serving the Pacific Northwest

Professional Treatment Center Therapist from a Local Licensed Professional Eating Disorders Counselor

  • Learn more about Body Image
  • Treatment for Body Shame
  • Binge Eating Counseling
  • Food Addiction Treatment
  • Support Groups for Compulsive Overeating
  • Bulimia Nervosa Therapy
  • Causes and Conditions for Eating Disorders

If you have an eating disorder and have realized that you need specialized treatment, how would you choose amongst all the available eating Disorder Treatment Centers in Vancouver, WA? There are so many of them out there. Of course, they are all in business and will say they offer the best level of care, but you need to know what to look for so that indeed you can choose a facility that will work for you. Here are some key things that will guide you to know if you are making a good decision.1. Check how much treatment is givenMost of us know that our eating disorders are psychologically rooted. This means that they are related to your emotions; you need to deal with that. Unfortunately, pills are not the answer. There may be some special cases or conditions where you might be prescribed a few pills, but you should never admit yourself into a center where they use pills to try and get rid of your eating disorder.2. Know the exact therapies that they offerMake sure you ask them exactly how they plan to help you kick your eating disorder. You need to know what methods they will use. And once you find out, set out to know as much as you can about these methods. There are two advantages to this. One is that you will understand exactly what they are doing with your body and that knowledge is empowering – you will want to cooperate even more with improving your healthy and body image. The second advantage of knowing is that they won’t do something that you don’t like or are not familiar with. If it was not part of the program, you have the right to say no; otherwise, they should explain exactly why they have changed from what they promised initially.3. InsuranceMake sure that you get a center that’s covered by your medical insurance as these kinds of treatments can be costly.There are alternatives to eating disorder treatment centers in Vancouver. You can visit a professional mental health therapist or an eating disorders counselor.

Counseling for Emotional Eating Disorders

  • How Do You Know if You have an Eating Disorder?
  • Are you an Emotional Eater?
  • Do you have Fear of Gaining Weight or Losing Weight?
  • Are you Obsessed with Overeating?
  • Stress, Anxiety
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Obsessed with Food
  • Food Addictions
  • Emotional Eating
  • Extreme Exercise
  • Too Thin!
  • Binge & Purge
  • Self-Esteem
  • Distorted Body Image

There are many eating disorders in this day and age. Some of the common eating disorders include bulimia, anorexia and binge eating. These disorders usually result in undesirable effects such as poor emotional and physical health. They may also have social consequences. What most people do not realize is that there is usually an underlying issue when it comes to eating disorders.Studies show that eating disorders are usually caused by psychological issues. For example, someone suffering from anorexia nervosa will constantly obsess over their weight. In the mind of the patient, they are fat and they see the need to eat less to avoid weight gain, when in reality they are likely not able to view their body with accuracy.Just like people suffering from anorexia, bulimia patients also fear gaining weight. However, for this group of people, overeating is something they cannot control. This behavior is usually followed with fasting, excessive workouts or even forced vomiting.People with the binge-eating disorder, on the other hand, eat uncontrollably. It may start small but the habit may grow over time, leading to shame, obsessing about weight gain and more disordered eating.You may also find that you don’t completely fit these exact categories. There is a continuum of behaviors along an eating disorder line. Any of the above can be combined, for example. The important part is that using these behaviors to cope will lead you further from being healthy… inside or out.Treating Eating DisordersThe good news is that eating disorders can be treated. One of the treatment methods includes psychological counseling. Counseling is usually done by professionals who advise on a wide range of issues. Counseling therapies may cover nutrition, exercise and treatment for anxiety and depression. Counseling sessions may be conducted alone with the patient or in a group or family setting.In some cases, eating disorder patients may require hospitalization. In such extreme cases, the patient may be put under medication and monitoring. They may be given medication such as antidepressants and nutritional supplements.

Therapy ~ Getting Help for Eating Disorders is a Simple as Reaching out to a Certified Therapist.

  • Binge Eating Therapy

  • Body Issues Treatment

  • Body Shame & Trauma Release
  • Emotional Eating Disorders

  • Group Support for recovery from an Eating Disorder

  • Causes and Conditions for Eating Disorders

When it comes to getting therapy or treatment for an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, there are many different options available. The type and intensity of treatment that is necessary vary for each. The most important aspect of treatment is a person’s desire to recover. Our physical health can be forced, more or less, but mental and emotional healing requires a certain amount of openness to that experience. Initial treatment depends on the level of physical care that a person needs. The damage done to the body can be extreme, even life-threatening. In some cases, medical stabilization is required before any other kind of treatment can begin. Other times, a person’s physical and psychiatric care can co-exist from the very beginning of treatment.There are different levels of care, starting with inpatient. This environment provides the patient with 24/7 structure and access to medical and psychiatric/psychological care. Whether in a hospital or a private care facility, inpatient programs are often connected to outpatient programs, enabling the patient to gradually step down the level of care as their health improves. Partial hospital programs or intensive outpatient programs along with day hospital care provide daily structure and care for ED patients who are living at home. Long-term care facilities, known as residential care, provide a place to live for eating disorder patients. For some, nutritional counseling alongside therapy with a mental health care professional who the patient trusts can be the winning combination. Other people have success with medication as prescribed and supervised by a psychiatrist.No matter where care is received, it’s important that it addresses all aspects of the eating disorder. Medical care is important to address the damage done by the eating disorder and to make sure that weight is gained healthily. Psychotherapy is necessary, serving to uncover the root issues of the eating disorder and address them so that the person can create a healthier balance in their life. Other issues, such as drug use, may also require counseling as well. The journey to health is long and takes a lot of work. For some, there may be lingering health issues. Others may continue to struggle from time to time with old unhealthy habits such as binge eating or unhealthy or irrational thought patterns regarding eating and food. No matter what, it is always worthwhile to devote one’s life to healthier and happier agendasBe honest with yourself. Do you often eat when you are not hungry? Many of the times you do to comfort or distract yourself from a worry or when you are upset. You are not the only one. Almost every one of us uses comfort eating. This is okay, until and unless it feels out of your control. After time, you may feel worse about your body and yourself as well as become sadder; thus, you binge more. You see, this is a vicious cycle. Do not be disheartened; you can overcome the fear of emotional eating, including binge eating. This starts with a free consultation from a trusted therapist devoted to eating disorders issues and trauma.At Food Is Not The Enemy, our therapy is aimed at relieving and resolving the symptoms of trauma. Psychologists believe that trauma is not always associated with a particular incident, but it is a biological and physiological response to the event. It has been found that there is a very significant connection between trauma and eating disorders. Studies have found that loneliness and physical and emotional abuse gradually leads to emotional eating.Comfort eating becomes particularly problematic when it becomes the first resort to seek calmness. However, the good news is that you can get rid of it by visiting a therapist.

Getting Help for Eating Disorders is a Simple as Reaching out to a Certified Therapist.

  • Binge Eating Therapy

  • Body Issues Treatment

  • Body Shame & Trauma Release
  • Emotional Eating Disorders

  • Group Support for recovery from an Eating Disorder

  • Causes and Conditions for Eating Disorders

When it comes to getting therapy or treatment for an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, there are many different options available. The type and intensity of treatment that is necessary vary for each. The most important aspect of treatment is a person’s desire to recover. Our physical health can be forced, more or less, but mental and emotional healing requires a certain amount of openness to that experience. Initial treatment depends on the level of physical care that a person needs. The damage done to the body can be extreme, even life-threatening. In some cases, medical stabilization is required before any other kind of treatment can begin. Other times, a person’s physical and psychiatric care can co-exist from the very beginning of treatment.

Food Is Not The Enemy

Anne Cuthbert MA, LPC, LMHCOwner & Practitioner of“Food Is Not The Enemy Group Practice”Now Service Portland & Vancouver Locations.

Anne Cuthbert MA, LPC, LMHC

Eating Disorders Counselor of Vancouver – Food Is Not The Enemy
9230 NE Hwy 99, Suite 104
Vancouver, Washington 98665

How Can a Dietitian Help Me?

How can a dietitian help me lose weight?

How can a dietitian help me lose weight?
We recommend dietitians who specialize in eating disorders and work from a Health at Every Size ™ perspective. With these perspectives, a dietitian won’t focus on weight loss but instead on healthy interactions with food to help you feel good about everything you eat, not just the veggies.

What can a dietitian do for me?

What can a dietitian do for me?
Dietitians organize food and nutrition plan and promote non-eating disorder eating to prevent and treat disordered eating and other challenges. They find work in food service businesses, or working with patients in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities.


What is Binge Eating?

What is considered a binge eat?

What is considered a binge eat?
What Is Binge EatingBinge. The word is often used to describe an episode of heavy drinking. However, it can also mean something different when the substance that is overconsumed is food. In some situations, binge eating can be considered an eating disorder, called binge eating disorder.

Why do people binge eat?

Why do people binge eat?
After bingeing, a person feels guilt or shame. These feelings can cause more overeating. Stress and Anxiety can also lead to binge eating. Sometimes people binge after they’ve gone through a major stressful event, like a divorce or losing a job. Sometimes you may start binge eating but don’t know the cause.

How do you know if you binge eat?

How do you know if you binge eat?
Behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms of binge-eating disorder include:
  • Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as over a two-hour period.
  • Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control.
  • Eating even when you’re full or not hungry.
  • Eating rapidly during binge episodes.


Why do I binge at night?

Why do I binge at night?
Nighttime eating may be the result of overly restricted daytime food intake, leading to ravenous hunger at night. It may also be caused by pushing down emotions.


Why do I eat when not hungry?

Why do I eat when not hungry?
One possible reason is when you don’t get enough rest, your levels of ghrelin (a hormone that makes you want to eat) go up. Meanwhile, your levels of leptin (a hormone that decreases hunger and the desire to eat) go down. These two hormones control feelings of hunger. The result: You feel hungry even if your body doesn’t need food.
Another reason is to push down your emotions or to try to control areas in your life to which you have no real control.